
Colleagues (in alphabetical order)

Mag. pth. Valentin Fischer
Psychotherapist. Method: Gestalttherapy, Traumatherapy; Languages: English & German; Focal points: neurodivergency (autism, adhd,… in adults), relationship topics, LGBTIQ* topics

Mag.a pth. Gerlinde Moser
Psychotherapist. Method: Gestalttherapy; Languages: English & German Focal points: sexuality, kink-aware-professional, anxiety & panic

Mag.a pth. Katharina Scherfler
Psychotherapist. Method: Psychoanalysis; Languages: English & German Focal points: attachement topics, children/youth & families, psychological rehabilitation

Mag.a pth. Maria Trimmel
Psychotherapist. Method: Individual psychology; Languages: English & German;  Focal points: dream analysis, bi-cultural relationships, self-awareness

German speaking only:

Mag.a pth. Magdalena Mandl, BSc.
Psychotherapist. Method: Behaviourtherapy; Languages: German Focal points: tobacco and alcohol addiction, skillstraining, schematherapy

Maximilian Seidl
Psychotherapist in training under supervision. Method: Person-centered psychotherapy, Traumatherapy; Languages: German

Mara Seidl
Psychotherapist. Method: Behaviourtherapy; Languages: German Focal points: kink-aware-professional, LGBTIQ* topics, obsessive-compulsiveness

various additional links

emergency contacts and further institutions

Sozialpsychiatrischer Notdienst / PSD emergency numberGumpendorferstr. 157, 1060 Wien; Tel.: 01/313 30; täglich 0 bis 24 Uhr

Die Boje for children and adolescents; Hernalser Hauptstraße 15 (im Hof links), 1170 Wien; Tel.: 01/406 66 02; E-Mail:; Monday to Friday 9am – 2pm or with an appointment – appointment by phone is necessary

Kriseninterventionszentrum Website

KAPA Network some of the kink and polyamory aware professionals in Austria

Frauennotruf emergency hotline for women; 24 hours; Tel.: 01/71 71 9; E-Mail:

Rat auf Draht emergency hotline for children, adolescents and care-takers; Tel.: 147

Verein PASS help with addiction; Alserstr. 24/11A, 1090 Wien; Tel.: 01/714 92 18; E-Mail:

Anton Proksch Institut (API) help with alcohol addiction

Weitere Einrichtungen österreichweit info by the crisis intervention center

Fonds Soziales Wien Tel.: 01/24 5 24; täglich 8 bis 20 Uhr

Psychotherapeutischer Bereitschaftsdienst further information

ÖBVP Österreichischer Berufsverband für Psychotherapie

VÖPP Vereinigung österreichischer Psychotherapeutinnen & Psychotherapeuten