
I currently do not have any vacancies for individual psychotherapy and my waiting list is full at this moment. I recommend the search option on psyonline.at or my colleagues in recommendations. I have a waiting list for couples therapy at the moment as well as for one-off or short-term counseling or coaching on the topics of polyamory and ADHD / Autism / AuDhd.

I do not have an education for child & youth therapy, I work with people aged 18 and older.

The following of my colleagues in Practice Mühlfeldgasse have capacities at the moment:

Sabine Gutmacher
Psychotherapist in training under supervision. Method: Logotherapy and existential analysis;  Languages: German, English; Focal points: chronic illnesses, crisis, psychosomatic disorders.

Dr. Gunnar Stange
Psychotherapist in training under supervision. Method: Person centered;  Languages: German, English, Indonesian; Focal points: (young) adults, Neurodiversity/Neurodivergence, Inter- und Transcultural topics (migration- and refugee experiences).

Srna Vardjan
ife and social adviser in training. Languages: German, Italian, SerbianFocal points: neurodivergency in adults, inner child, topics around motherhood (unfullfilled desire to have a child, abortion, new orientation and overwhelm with new motherhood); also takes clients currently waiting for a therapy space and wishing for support during the waiting period.

“Every person born into this world represents something new, something that never existed before, something original and unique.”
– Martin Buber